Welcome to the final season of the adventures of the USS Voyager- Season 7. Stranded in unknown and hostile space. This season's highlights include deadly renegade holographic Starfleet officers, errant Klingons who worship an unborn baby, the Doctor trapped in Seven of Nine's body, the return of Q, and Voyager's triumphal return to Earth ! While a desperate Borg Queen takes to murdering her own drones to halt the spread of individuality enjoyed by the occupiers of Unimatrix Zero, Captain Janeway's team will continue to be a thorn in her side, delivering not one, but two major blows to the Collective this year.
Discusses how white South African students learn and confront their Apartheid past, and explores how this knowledge transforms both the students and the author, the first black dean of an historically white university.
كتاب لا غنى عنه للعاملين في المجال التربوي يعرض الكتاب نموذجًا سهل الاستعمال للتجميع العنقودي الشامل، يتضمن حلولًا عملية للطلاب ...
M, & Nakamura, J. (2003). A mission possible? Enabling good work in higher education. Change. September-October, 41-47. Knowling, R. (2002). Why vision matters. In F. Hesselbein & R. Johnston (Eds). On mission and leadership (pp.
Keating ( 1993 ) suggests that a strong relationship exists between dominance and deception among men . For both children and men , there is a direct relationship between the ability to lie convincingly and leadership skills ...
而這之後,當我們的教堂被閃電擊中時,它又被當作是個意外事故。愚昧迷信的人們,往往把特殊事情,歸結於特別的原因。1885 年,當蝗蟲肆虐於堪薩斯時,我聽到一個南方來的好人說,這是對堪薩斯支持鼓動老約翰.布朗 30 的報應。次年,南方棉花地裏的象鼻蟲 31 肆虐 ...
... 處處在發光,藝術在這裡得以受到關注與尊重,是個從骨子裡噴發藝術氣息的城市。佛羅倫斯最耀眼的建築-聖母百花大教堂,用奢侈的大塊石材建造,內部挑高,空間寬闊,莊嚴、內部更是誇張,每個柱子和壁上的雕刻都唯妙唯肖,宗教在這裡曾是凌駕政治與法律 ...
获得这一奖项的人中,很多人都能想到美国的节目主持人奥普拉,她从贫穷到成功的经历令每个人都由衷地敬畏。奥普拉的一生中曾发生过一连串的偶然。她生下来是私生子,父母亲当时的年龄都不是很大。她母亲弗尼塔·李当时才18岁,在男女关系上比较随意, ...
2010 年 9 月 26 日,佛山某中学语文教师袁嘉因网络小说在东光被广东东莞厚街警方刑拘,罪名为“涉嫌传播淫秽物品罪”。然而,广东省公安厅通过网络发布的信息表明,东莞警方从立案到刑拘犯罪嫌疑人袁嘉,一直没有审查认定这本小说为“淫秽物品”。
“科研兴校、科研强校”的实践已经在部分中小学取得显著成效,上海市松江区中山小学的“科研兴校,与时俱进”、吉林省舒兰一中“实施科研兴校战略,走可持续发展办学之路”、长春市实验中学“科研兴校:新思考与新出路”、天津市滨海新区塘沽十五中“基础薄弱初中优质 ...