A new edition of Stroud's Judicial Dictionary is always a major event in the world of legal publishing. First published in 1890, Stroud is long-established as the foremost dictionary of the English language as it has been interpreted in the courts and in statutory material.
Arbitration has become the dispute resolution method of choice in international transactions. This book explains how and why arbitration works.
2006 ICSID Rules, Rule 39(4); Y. Derains & E. Schwartz, A Guide to the ICC Rules of Arbitration 37. 38. 299 (2005). See G. Born, International Commercial Arbitration 2632–35 (3d ed. 2021). 2021 ICC Rules, Art. 29 & App'x V; ...
This book explains how and why arbitration works. offering comprehensive coverage of the basic requirements, including recent changes in arbitration laws, rules, and guidelines.
Focusing on practical principles or guidelines for arbitrators, this book covers everything a prospective international commercial arbitrator should know about conducting an arbitration in Hong Kong.
Introduction to international arbitration -- International arbitration agreements : legal framework -- Formation and validity of international arbitration agreements -- Interpretation of international arbitration agreements -- International ...
Since it was first published in 1986, Redfern & Hunter's commentary on international commercial arbitration has been widely hailed as the leading text on the subject, and essential reading for...
As Thompson (1996) points out in his fundamental study of language reports in academic discourse, the last few decades have seen several studies which have departed from traditional grammatical accounts of reported speech based on ...
Kazakhstan International Arbitration §5.01 GENERAL INTRODUCTION [A] Historical Development of the Legal System 1.1. The legal system of Kazakhstan can be traced back to the Kazakh khanate (Казахское ханство) in the fifteenth century.
... "Aufrechnung trotz (Fehlens einer) Schiedsvereinbarung nach osterreichischem Recht", in Mayer, von Schlabrendorff, Spiegelfeld and Welser (ed), Recht in Osterreich und Europa - Festschrift, FS Karl Hempel (Manz 1997), 119.
This book, the first of its kind, provides parties opting for “private justice” with vital judicial reassurance on U.S. courts’ highly supportive posture in enforcing awards and its pronounced reluctance to intervene in the arbitral ...