Designed to explain the principles governing the law of trusts in Scotland, this textbook takes account of recent developments such as new rules on the administration and supervision of charitable trusts, and new statutory rules contained in the Recognition of Trusts Act 1987.
This popular annual publication provides a complete picture of the law.
My first desk mate was Ms. Kelly. During the course of my first few weeks, Ms. Kelly was summonsed to Human Resources (HR).They wanted to know why she had accessed other peoples' contracts of employment on the system and viewed them.
This terminology has been originally described by author William Gibson in his novel Neuromancer . Cryptography ( See also public key cryptography ) ( i ) The mathematical science used to secure the confidentiality and authentication of ...
American Bar Association Standards for Language Access in Courts
Portable and practical, this is a complete guide for the busy court advocate.
Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000, s 104 (1) Where a detention and training order is in force in respect of ... to appear or be brought— (a) before a youth court acting in the local justice in which the offender resides; ...
Matoesian uses the notorious 1991 rape trial of William Kennedy Smith to provide an indepth analysis of language use and its role in that trial and the law more generally.
The Family Court Practice 2021
Justice et public
This volume presents a combination of practical, empirical research data and theoretical reflection to provide a comparative view of language and discourse in the courtroom.