Revised and updated to include the latest research, "The Loving Parents' Guide to Discipline" offers advice for parents who want to raise happy, healthy, well-behaved children. "Stands out among its competition by virtue of its holistic, cumulative approach to child guidance".--"Booklist".
A Parents' Guide to Child Discipline
A guide for disciplining children ages two through ten describes the timeout method, and covers such difficult situations as bed time, meal time, bath time, sibling rivalry, and temper tantrums
Parent coach Jennifer Costa teaches you how to: Communicate openly with your child about proper behavior Build a supportive home environment Determine your child's behavioral triggers Learn strategies that will help your child feel calm ...
By using positive methods of discipline parents have the opportunity to provide their children with an optimal home environment for healthy emotional growth and development.
The more sexually exploitive a teenager acts, and the more he or she is sexually exploited by others, the more difficulty he or she will have establishing and maintaining a committed, loving intimacy later on in life.
When punishment is linked with anger, fear of the parent's anger can be what the child learns. ... Very young children can be frightened by parental anger or their own: where did loving feelings go and will they return?
The suggestions in this guide will teach you how to: * Read your child's behavior to understand why they act out the way they do * Talk less, coach and guide more, and create more closeness as a family * Create boundaries, set agreements, ...
Dr. James Dobson, respected authority on child-rearing, believes a healthy approach to the discipline of children helps create a climate of respect and trust in the Christian home.
The suggestions in this guide will teach you how to: - Read your children's behavior to understand why they act out the way they do - Talk less, coach and guide more, and create more closeness as a family - Create boundaries, set agreements ...
This book teaches parents the best discipline strategies that are both Biblically referenced and scientifically proven, while using an easy to learn format.