Every day, people look to their horoscopes for a glimpse of the future-and Berkley's popular Super Horoscopes offer the revealing, reliable individual forecasts they're searching for. With special sections on the history and uses of astrology, these completely updated books will show readers exactly what the future holds for them. Each Super Horoscope includes: Detailed yearly and daily forecasts Your rising sign Astrological bridge to the 21st century Lucky numbers The cusp-born, 1900-2010 Signs of the Zodiac Character analysis Love, romance, and marriage compatibility guide Moon tables Planting and fishing guides Influence of the moon and planets November and December 2001daily forecasts repeated and more
Miniature paintings, illustrations and decorative borders have been commissioned from fine artists. This book covers the sign Aquarius. By the authors of The Compleat Astrologer and Parkers' Astrology.
Deli: 21 be-Yanuʾar-18 be-Februʾar
As Ken Gillman writes in the foreword, "This is a study of real-life astrology." Nine of the original 17 volunteers stayed with the study throughout.
It governs your individuality, distinctive style, and drive to fulfill your goals. This elegant little volume is packed with what your Sun sign tells you about you.
The nationally syndicated astrologist offers a brand-new year of predictions.
Aquarius: January 21-February 19 : your personal horoscope 2009
"The Success Through the Zodiac Series goes far beyond the Sun signs to provide penetrating and eerily accurate insights into readers' personalities.
These mini-guides make great companions to the larger book 'Your Astrology Guide 2011 - they re easy to carry, cater to one sign each and include a special love compatibility chapter.
This daily forecast guide offers the skill and expertise of Old Moore.
This daily forecast guide offers the skill and expertise of Old Moore.