Stealing away in the night one evening to have an affair with a handsome marquis, Phillipa encounter England's most notorious spy, The Blue Raven, and her life is changed after she makes a dangerous pact with him in order to increase her social status in London society. Original.
No matter where you rest on the spectrum of spirituality – religious or secular, devout believer or chronic doubter, freelance mystic or borderline agnostic – this story is about the desire to shed what’s holding you back.
Introduces Hawaiian history and culture, and evaluates places to see, amusements, outdoor activities, restaurants, and accomodations on the island of Hawaii.
Technological tools used range from the simple compass to infrared photography , gaussmeters and electromagnetometers ( to check the magnetic patterns ) , Geiger counters ( to test for radioactivity ) , static charge detectors ...
After Butch O'Neal sacrifices himself to save a civilian vampire, aristocratic vampire Marissa must fight to bring him out of the darkness in the latest installment of the New York Times best-selling series following Lover Reborn.
Offers advice on examining positive and negative life experiences to understand God's role in both, and asserts that the ups and downs can ultimately lead to a fulfilling and meaningful life in conformity to the values of Jesus Christ.
Featuring facts about how nature's camouflage serves hunter and hunted alike, a picture book invites young readers to lift the gatefolds and find ten creatures who are hiding in plain sight.
The hardest battles are not those our eyes can see, but rather the subtle attacks of the unseen.
This brand new fifth edition has more useful information, the most up to date maps and scores of hidden gems listed nowhere else. This book and a rental car are all you need to discover what makes the Garden Island so special. Book jacket.
A traveller through the length and breadth of England is soon aware of cultural differences, some of which are clearly visible in the landscape. The eminent English historian Charles Phythian-Adams...
Annabelle Grayson has been given a second chance at life, but she can't claim it with the cloud of her past hanging over her in Willow Springs.