While kinship is among the basic organizing principles of all human life, its role in and implications for international politics and relations have been subject to surprisingly little exploration in International Relations (IR) scholarship. This volume is the first volume aimed at thinking systematically about kinship in IR – as an organizing principle, as a source of political and social processes and outcomes, and as a practical and analytical category that not only reflects but also shapes politics and interaction on the international political arena. Contributors trace everyday uses of kinship terminology to explore the relevance of kinship in different political and cultural contexts and to look at interactions taking place above, at and within the state level. The book suggests that kinship can expand or limit actors’ political room for maneuvereon the international political arena, making some actions and practices appear possible and likely, and others less so. As an analytical category, kinship can help us categorize and understand relations between actors in the international arena. It presents itself as a ready-made classificatory system for understanding how entities within a hierarchy are organized in relation to one another, and how this logic is all at once natural and social.
A major study of the vast--but until now unappreciated--influence of kinship and diaspora on international politics
In this book, Hannes Charen presents an alternative examination of kinship structures in political theory.
“The Concept of Milk Kinship in Islam: Issues Raised When Offering Preterm Infants of Muslim Families Donor Human Milk.” Journal of Human Lactation 28 (2): 125–27. Ensel, Remco. 2002. “Colactation and Fictive Kinship as Rites of ...
Sikaiana social organization: Social categories and relationships in a contemporary Polynesian society. ... In W. W. Donner & J. G. Flannagan (Eds.), Social organization and cultural aesthetics: Essays in honor of William H. Davenport ...
In this study of the political uses of perceived kinship from the Homeric age to Byzantium, Jones provides an unparalleled view of mythic belief in action and addresses fundamental questions about communal and national identity.
International surrogacy as disruptive industry in Southeast Asia. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. Williams, A., et al. (ongoing). Mamma Hursomhelst [Mother anyway]. https://www.littvet.uu.se/ research/research- projects/mother- ...
Mark R. Glanville and Luke Glanville offer a new approach to compassion for displaced people: a biblical ethic of kinship.
Vital Relations challenges these notions. It will be of interest to anyone who wishes to gain a different perspective on the concept of modernity itself, and on the place of kinship and "family" in modern life.
... die Hoheit und das Alterthum seines Ursprungs zu widersprechen.” 54. Herwig, Entwurf einer genealogischen Geschichte ... Welfen, Vorrede, unpaginated. 64. “[A]n den Grenzen des Kriegsschauplazzes wohne,” in Die Welfen, Vorrede ...
This volume investigates the relationship between migration, identity, kinship and population.