The field of electromagnetic sensitivity is the new epidemic of the 21st century, and can cause disease of the automatic nerve system in any part of the body. This is as a result of chemical sensitivity, in which over 80,000 chemicals are involved, resulting in innumerable combinations. A cursory understanding of the combinations can help clinicians partially understand the associated problems and thus help in the diagnosis and treatment of electromagnetic sensitivities. But a basic understanding of environmentally induced illness and healing must first be understood by the clinicians before diseases occur such as cardiac arrhythmia, muscle spasms, and nerve pain. Key Features: Describes how an understanding of the vast combinations of electrical and chemical sensitivities will help in the diagnosis and treatment of electromagnetic sensitivities Reveals the complexity and multi-faceted presentation often seen in chemical sensitivity and chronic degenerative disease cases Provides information backed up by rigorous scientific data including hundreds of tables and figures as online resources Features a Dedication to Robert Becker, MD, an orthopedic surgeon who was one of the first clinicians to recognize the significance of EMF in medicine and surgery, and also to his assistant Andrew Marino, PhD, who helped develop the basic science of orthopedic electromagnet healing
Recent concerns over the possible hazards of electrical and magnetic fields in the home and workplace are comprehensively addressed within this book.
Dirty Electricity tells the story of Dr. Samuel Milham, the scientist who first alerted the world about the frightening link between occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields and human disease.
Avgin SS, Luff ML (2010) Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) as bioindicators of human impact. Mun Entomol Zool 5:209–215 Bezdeˇcˇka P (2004) ... In: Jeffrey D, Madden B (eds) Bioindicators and environmental management.
Zapped is an empowering guide to living safely with the gadgets we can’t live without.
The most misunderstood force driving health and disease The story of the invention and use of electricity has often been told before, but never from an environmental point of view.
Public concern over possible health effects from electromagnetic fields (EMF) has led to the preparation of this handbook.
Notice how only a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible to the human eye. The Sun is our primary source for most of the electromagnetic rays we experience on a daily basis. These are mostly from the infrared, ...
In this book on BioGeometry Signatures, once again you see how powerful certain carefully created shapes can be in altering the physical functioning of organ systems, in supporting healing, and in changing physical and mental states.
Spanning static fields to terahertz waves, this volume explores the range of consequences electromagnetic fields have on the human body.
This is a simple and unconventional book that will teach you exactly how to reduce your exposure to this new 21st-century pollution without going back to the Stone Age."--Publisher's description.