"Over the last 20 years, international attempts to raise educational standards and improve opportunities for all children have accelerated and proliferated. This has generated a state of constant change and an unrelenting flood of initiatives, changes and reforms that need to be 'implemented' by schools. In response to this, a great deal of attention has been given to evaluating 'how well' policies are realised in practice - implemented! Less attention has been paid to understanding how schools actually deal with these multiple, and sometimes contradictory, policy demands; creatively working to interpret policy texts and translate these into practices, in real material conditions and varying resources - how they are enacted! Based on a long-term qualitative study of four 'ordinary' secondary schools, and working on the interface of theory with data, this book explores how schools enact, rather than implement, policy. It focuses on: contexts of 'policy work' in schools ; teachers as policy subjects ; teachers as policy actors ; policy texts, artefacts and events ; standards, behaviour and learning policies."--Publisher's website.
This book is relevant to every person who works in a school – worldwide. Users of this book can rest assured that each policy has been carefully formulated from the current understandings of best practice.
This book examines the fundamental role of politics in funding our public schools and fills a conceptual imbalance in the current literature in school finance and educational policy. Unlike those...
Implementation Reconsidered Appendix: Research Methods References Index Policy implementation is like the telephone game. . . . the player at the start of the line tells a story to the next person in line, who then relays the story to the ...
The collection re-writes the policy process and offers new ways of researching policy and policy outcomes. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Education Policy.
Educators are at the epicenter of language policy in education. This book explores how they interpret, negotiate, resist, and (re)create language policies in classrooms.
This book, first published in 1992, was the first to look at the effects of the Act in all its aspects on the basis of empirical evidence gathered from schools over the first three years of the Act's implementation.
Part of the popular BERA/SAGE Research Methods in Education series, this is the first book to specifically focus on the ethics of Education research.
largely indirect influence of principals and other school leaders on student outcomes is not challenged by any of the papers reviewed. Of the research focused on Australian educational leadership, it is overwhelmingly focused on ...
This companion book to Principals of Dynamic Schools and Dynamic Teachers brings to life the process of making and enacting educational policy and helps decision makers evaluate, interpret, and analyze the policies that govern their schools ...
How Schools Do Policy: Policy Enactments in Secondary Schools. London: Routledge. Ball, S. J., M. Maguire, A. Braun, and K. Hoskins. 2011a. “Policy Subjects and Policy Actors in Schools: Some Necessary but Insufficient Analyses.