Deviant Behavior offers an engaging and wide-ranging discussion of deviant behavior, beliefs, and conditions. It examines how the society defines, labels, and reacts to whatever, and whoever, falls under this stigmatizing process—thereby providing a distinctly sociological approach to the phenomenon. The central focus in defining what and who is deviant is the audience—members of the influential social collectivities that determine the outcome of this process. The discussion in this volume encompasses both the explanatory (or positivist) approach and the constructionist (or labeling) perspectives, thereby lending a broad and inclusive vista on deviance. The central chapters in the book explore specific instances or forms of deviance, including crime, substance abuse, and mental disorder, all of which share the quality that they and their actors, believers, or bearers may be judged by these influential parties in a negative or derogatory fashion. And throughout Deviant Behavior, the author emphasizes that, to the sociologist, the term "deviant" is completely non-pejorative; no implication of inferiority or inherent stigma is implied; what the author emphasizes is that specific members of the society—social circles or collectivities—define and treat certain parties in a derogatory fashion; the sociologist does not share in this stigmatizing process but observes and describes it.
Deviant Behavior covers the social forces that shape deviance, the motivations and consequences of deviant behaviors, and how our definition of deviance changes over time.
Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers will be able to: Analyze numerous types of deviant behavior. Challenge their own biases and preconceptions on deviant behavior.
Deviant behavior is not a subject that you study in school and then file away. It is a study of life and is ever changing. Defining the concept of deviant behavior is one of the most difficult tasks to overcome when studying the subject.
Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of deviance; this book is noted for its blend of readability and scholarship. Deviant Behavior covers a wide spectrum of theories of deviance, and analyzes...
Deviant Behavior, 10/e by Erich Goode provides a comprehensive study of the behavior, beliefs, conditions, and reactions to deviance, giving students a better understanding of this phenomenon.
Reading 34, Talk about Visions: Spiritual Readings as Deviant Work John Heeren and Marylee Mason Reading 35, Criminal Commitment among Drug Dealers Patricia A. Adler and Peter Adler Part 5 Deviance: Exits and Transformations Chapter 11 ...
The Rand Corporation estimated in 1969 that heroin addicts were responsible for $ 2 billion to $ 5 billion worth of crime in New York City . Frightening estimates of this sort are routine in the drug control business .
Sociology of Deviant Behavior
Deviant Behavior: An Interactionist Approach
Overall, the text probes the establishment and maintenance of deviant categories; the motivations behind deviant behavior; the formal and informal labelling of individuals and particular segments of society as deviant; the effects of ...