Global Marketing, 3rd edition, provides students with a truly international treatment of the key principles that every marketing manager should grasp. International markets present different challenges that require a marketer to think strategically and apply tools and techniques creatively in order to respond decisively within a fiercely competitive environment. Alon et al. provide students with everything they need to rise to the challenge: Coverage of small and medium enterprises, as well as multinational corporations, where much of the growth in international trade and global marketing has occurred; A shift toward greater consideration of services marketing as more companies move away from manufacturing; A shift from developed markets to emerging markets with more dynamic environments A focus on emerging markets to equip students with the skills necessary to take advantage of the opportunities that these rapidly growing regions present; Chapters on social media, innovation, and technology teaching students how to incorporate these new tools into their marketing strategy; New material on sustainability, ethics, and corporate social responsibility; key values for any modern business; Short and long cases and examples throughout the text show students how these principles and techniques are applied in the real world; Covering key topics not found in competing books, Global Marketing will equip today’s students with the knowledge and confidence they need to become leading marketing managers. A companion website features an instructor’s manual with test questions, as well as additional exercises and examples for in-class use.
This new textbook introduces students to the essential concepts, theories and perspectives of Global Marketing and these are supported by real-world case studies from North America, Europe and the emerging markets of China, India and Latin ...
This book has been written for experienced managers and students in postgraduate programs, such as MBA or specialized Masters programs.
Global Marketing
Filled with easy-to-understand strategies and solutions to real-life situations, this is your guide to successful international expansion through global inbound marketing and translation services.
This book will give a high level overview of the planning and organization marketing leaders must address when considering a new country to sell its product in.
The Third Edition of the bestseller is packed with cultural, company, and country examples that help explain the paradoxes international marketers are likely to encounter.
The 7th Edition of Global Marketing Management prepares students to become effective managers overseeing global marketing activities in an increasingly competitive environment.
For undergraduate and graduate courses in global marketing The excitement, challenges, and controversies of global marketing. Global Marketing reflects current issues and events while offering conceptual and analytical tools that...
This book of expert contributions provides a comprehensive analysis of contemporary global marketing issues under different international business settings.
Global Marketing