Detailing the adventures of a supernatural clan of vampires, witches, and assorted monstrosities, Ray Bradbury’s Elliott family stories are a unique component of his extensive literary output. Written between 1946 and 1994, Bradbury eventually quilted the stories together into a novel, From the Dust Returned (2001), making it a creative project that spanned his adult life. Not only do the stories focus on a single familial unit, engaging with overlapping twentieth-century themes of family, identity and belonging, they were also unique in their time, interrogating post-war American ideologies of domestic unity while reinventing and softening gothic horror for the Baby Boomer generation. Centred around diverse interpretations of the Elliott Family stories, this collection of critical essays recovers the Elliotts for academic purposes by exploring how they form a collective gothic mythos while ranging across distinct themes. Essays included discuss the diverse ways in which the Elliott stories pose questions about difference and Otherness in America; engage with issues of gender, sexuality, and adolescence; and interrogate complex discourses surrounding history, identity, community, and the fantasy of family.
... Short Story : An Introduction ( Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press , 2009 ) , 180 . Part One 1. Ashley Dawson , " Introduction , " The Routledge Concise History of Twentieth - Century British Literature ( New York : Routledge , 2013 ) ...
So keep the lights on, and don’t read these tales alone. Who knows if you’ll be haunted next, or reach the end of the line? A.R. Braun writes this book from his own personal experiences in dabbling with the occult and esoteric.
Compared with the American tradition, English horror fiction is singularly lacking in working-class characters, and too many of those it presents are caricatures: for example, Brian Lumley's criminals (one of whom manages to call a ...
Within these essays, Lovecraft explores the origins and traditions of the genre in Britain, America and beyond with special reference to the most notable movements, themes, motifs, techniques, and writers past and present.
Discovering Classic Horror Fiction I
Incidents involving strong emotions such as sorrow, fear, or hatred create deep impressions in the environment that can bind an apparition to a site. These negative emotions act as a sort of prison for the apparition, ...
Great Tales of Horror & the Supernatural