Ethical aspects of business and the economy are of increasing concern in business practice, higher education, and society in general. This concern results from significant business scandals and economic crises, such as the financial crisis of 2008 and the following great recession, as well as from pressing current and future challenges for the economy, such as sustainability and globalization. As a result, there is a growing demand for normative analysis and orientation for business and the economy, where business ethics has become a crucial part of organizational management, risk management, branding, and strategic management. Business Ethics: Methods and Application provides a new systematic approach to normative business ethics that covers the complex and various ethical challenges of modern business. It aims to train analytical thinking skills in the field of business ethics and to approach ethical issues in business in a rational and systematic way. The book develops a number of specific methods for business ethics analysis that are tailored for ethical decision-making in business and for analyzing complex ethical topics in business. The book discusses fundamental ethical questions regarding the meaning of business and the economy for the individual person, society, the environment, and people around the world. As a result, Business Ethics: Methods and Application develops normative guidelines for business in the 21st century and its fundamental challenges and will be key reading for undergraduate, postgraduate, and MBA students of business ethics, business strategy, business and society, and related fields.
Business Ethics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester business ethics course.
Ethical Theory 101 — get a foundational understanding of ethical philosophies and meet the major players in philosophical thought, like Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, and more Put ethics to work — discover how the concept of business ethics ...
The divisional teams increasingly consist of experts and workers with diverse knowledge base and perspective, thus creating an environment of creative thinking resulting in superior product innovation. The goal of the diversity ...
Written for both businesspeople facing real-life dilemmas and students studying ethical questions, this succinct book uniquely surveys materials from moral philosophy, behavioral science, and corporate law, and shares practical advice.
This interesting, comprehensive book about business ethics argues that ethics is the 'glue' that makes successful business possible. It allows the reader to see the whole range of issues in...
This book deals with the traditional material of ethics in business, as well as introducing and surveying some of the most interesting developments in critical ethical theory which have not yet been introduced to the mainstream. I.
This is Business Ethics offers a dynamic and engaging introduction to the study of corporate morality.
L. Allan, Creating the Right Learning Environment for Effective Training, February 4, 2011, Retrieved from ... In R. R. Sims & W. I. Sauser, Jr. (Eds.), Experience in Teaching Business Ethics (pp. 97-122). Charlotte, NC: Information Age ...
The book includes readings on the current financial crisis in order to challenge today's students to confront the economic reality in which they will have to live. An excellent addition to any Business Ethics course.
This guide to business ethics provides key terms and concepts related to business ethics in a short, easy-to-use format.