The Routledge Handbook of the Horn of Africa provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary survey of contemporary research related to the Horn of Africa. Situated at the junction of the Sahel-Saharan strip and the Arabian Peninsula, the Horn of Africa is growing in global importance due to demographic growth and the strategic importance of the Suez Canal. Divided into sections on authoritarianism and resistance, religion and politics, migration, economic integration, the military, and regimes and liberation, the contributors provide up-to-date, authoritative knowledge on the region in light of contemporary strategic concerns. The handbook investigates how political, economic, and security innovations have been implemented, sometimes with violence, by use of force or by negotiation – including ‘ethnic federalism’ in Ethiopia, independence in Eritrea and South Sudan, integration of the traditional authorities in the (neo)patrimonial administrations, Somalian Islamic Courts, the Sudanese Islamist regime, people’s movements, multilateral operations, and the construction of an architecture for regional peace and security. Accessibly written, this handbook is an essential read for scholars, students, and policy professionals interested in the contemporary politics in the Horn of Africa.
This handbook provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary survey of contemporary research related to the Horn of Africa.
A response to Ganor Undoubtedly, Ganor has made a significant contribution to the construction of a theory of terrorism. He tries to build a useful bridge between the legal and political perspectives by anchoring his theory on accepted ...
Research in African Literatures 32(4): 61–76. Gikandi, Simon. 2000. 'Reading the Referent: Postcolonialism and the Writing of Modernity'. In Reading the 'New' Literatures in a Postcolonial Era, edited by Susheila Nasta, 87–104.
Rewiring Regional Security in a Fragmented World, Washington, DC: United States Institute ofPeace Press. Ayittey, G. B. N. (2010) “The Worst of the Worst” Foreign Policy. July/August. www.foreignpolicy.
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 39(4), Political Resilience to Terrorism in Europe, 292–307. El-Said, Hamed (2015). ... Far right-wing extremism and xenophobia in contemporary Russia. Berlin: GRIN Verlag GMBH.
5 Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, “U.S. Relations With the Philippines,” U.S. Department of State, ... 17 Linda Robinson et al., U.S. Special Operations Forces in the Philippines, 2001–2014 (Santa Monica: RAND, 2016), 15.
Featuring both established scholars and emerging researchers, this is a vital resource for all students of African Studies, democratization, conflict resolution and Third World politics.
Jobson, E. (2017) EU's desire to contain migration is Africa's opportunity. ... A., Okuru, M. and Samson, R. (2016) China's Growing Presence in Africa Wins Largely Positive Popular Reviews. Afrobarometer Dispatch No 122, 24 October.
This book provides a state-of-the-art review of research on the key challenges for security in the Middle East; it will be a key resource for students and scholars interested in Security Studies, International Relations, Political Science ...
The merger also illustrated that mission and unity belong together. This conviction has been expressed in WCC mission statements. See for instance Jooseop Keum, ed. Together towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes ...