The study of economics should not be highly abstract, but closely related to real-world events. Principles of Economics in Context addresses this challenge, laying out the principles of micro-and macroeconomics in a manner that is thorough, up to date and relevant to students, keeping theoretical exposition close to experience. Emphasizing writing that is compelling, clear, and attractive to students, it addresses such critical concerns as ecological sustainability, distributional equity, the quality of employment, and the adequacy of living standards. Key features include: Clear explanation of basic concepts and analytical tools, with Discussion Questions at the end of each section, encouraging immediate review of what has been read and relating the material to the students’ own experience; Full complement of instructor and student support materials online, including test banks and grading through Canvas; Key terms highlighted in boldface throughout the text, and important ideas and definitions set off from the main text; A glossary at the end of the book containing all key terms, their definitions, and the number of the chapter(s) in which each was first used and defined. Updates for the second edition include: Expanded coverage of topics including inequality, financialization and debt issues, the changing nature of jobs, and sustainable development; New material on wage discrimination by race and gender; an expanded section on labor markets and immigration; Updated discussion of fiscal policy to include more recent developments such as the Trump tax cuts; New material on behavioral economics, public goods, and climate change policy; a new section on “The Economics of Renewable Energy.” This new, affordable edition combines the just-released new editions of Microeconomics in Context and Macroeconomics in Context to provide an integrated full-year text covering all aspects of both micro-and macro-analysis and application, with many up-to-date examples and extensive supporting Web resources for instructors and students.
Principles of Economics in Context lays out the principles of micro- and macroeconomics in a manner that is thorough and up to date, addressing such critical concerns as ecological sustainability, distributional equity, the quality of ...
It examines a number of ecological challenges and includes a section on global climate change. ... with our associate Dr. Patrick Dolenc to create an Instructor's Resource Manual and Test Bank to accompany Macroeconomics in Context.
This book will be of great importance to students new to economics and is ideal for use on single-semester Principles courses or as a primer on economics courses in other settings.
Key features of Essentials of Economics in Context include: • an inclusive approach to economics, where the economy is analyzed within its social and environmental context • an innovative chapter examining data on various economic ...
This is the first book to provide a complete introduction to Post-Keynesian and other alternative theories of economics.
Principles of Economics covers the scope and sequence for a two-semester principles-of-economics course. The text has been developed to meet the scope and sequence of most introductory courses.
Principles of Economics
This book also explains the role of the government in guiding the economy along the path of stable prices, low unemployment, sustainable growth, and planned development through many India-centric examples.
This book is divided into four parts, covering the following key issues: The context of economic analysis, including basic macroeconomic statistics and tools; The basics of macroeconomic measurements, including GDP, inflation, and ...
Microeconomics in Context lays out the principles of microeconomics in a manner that is thorough, up to date, and relevant to students. Like its counterpart, Macroeconomics in Context, the book is uniquely attuned to economic realities.