The Routledge Handbook of Critical Indigenous Studies is the first comprehensive overview of the rapidly expanding field of Indigenous scholarship. The book is ambitious in scope, ranging across disciplines and national boundaries, with particular reference to the lived conditions of Indigenous peoples in the first world. The contributors are all themselves Indigenous scholars who provide critical understandings of indigeneity in relation to ontology (ways of being), epistemology (ways of knowing), and axiology (ways of doing) with a view to providing insights into how Indigenous peoples and communities engage and examine the worlds in which they are immersed. Sections include: • Indigenous Sovereignty • Indigeneity in the 21st Century • Indigenous Epistemologies • The Field of Indigenous Studies • Global Indigeneity This handbook contributes to the re-centring of Indigenous knowledges, providing material and ideational analyses of social, political, and cultural institutions and critiquing and considering how Indigenous peoples situate themselves within, outside, and in relation to dominant discourses, dominant postcolonial cultures and prevailing Western thought. This book will be of interest to scholars with an interest in Indigenous peoples across Literature, History, Sociology, Critical Geographies, Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Native Studies, Māori Studies, Hawaiian Studies, Native American Studies, Indigenous Studies, Race Studies, Queer Studies, Politics, Law, and Feminism.
Clearly something complex and elusive is at work in the phenomenon beyond prejudice (Allport 1958), no matter how ... the African-American sociologist W.E.B. Du Bois sought to describe this condition in 'The Souls of White Folk' (1999), ...
... Resistance in Kashmir.” Economic & Political Weekly 53(47). Fine, Mi elle. 2014. “An Intimate Memoir of Resistance eory.” In Youth Resistance: Research and Theories of Change, edited by Eve Tu and K. Wayne Yang. New York: Routledge ...
A kinder and gentler tyranny.Westport, CT: Praeger. Roberts, P. D. (2007). The return of the Robber Barons. Counterpunch. Retrieved from http://www Ross, J. (2006, April 17).
Also available in this series: The Routledge Handbook of International Beat Literature Edited by A. Robert Lee The Routledge ... and Natasha Lvovich The Routledge Handbook of Star Trek Edited by Leimar Garcia-Siino, Sabrina Mittermeier, ...
Borrows, J. (2016) “Outsider Education: Indigenous Law and Land-based Learning,” Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice ... Braiding Legal Orders: Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Waterloo, ...
Acaoohkiwina and Acimonwina: Traditional Narratives of the Rock Cree Indians. Ottawa: Canadian Museum of Civilization. Carlson, Nathan D. 2009. “Reviving Witiko (Wendigo): An ethnohistory of cannibal monsters in the Athabasca District ...
... and limits generated both by Native populations and by materiality and colonial practices in the southern limits of the Spanish empire in America, ... Una Perspectiva Histórica y Arqueológica (Patagonia, Argentina, Siglo XVIII).
Underpinning colonialism was biopower: in this context, the power to produce brown or red citizens justified on the ... the monsters of the unfathomable, overlaid Indigenous lands with a madness that has become normalized so that it ...
ÒThis book is an imagining.Ó So begins this collection examining critical, Indigenous-centered approaches to understanding gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, and Two-Spirit (GLBTQ2) lives and communities and the creative ...
... sexism and racism in the university . Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation , 18 ( 3 ) , 189–205 . O'Sullivan , S. ( 2019 ) . First Nations ' women in the academy ... Strategies for resisting sexism in the academy ...