The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies provides diverse and cutting-edge perspectives on this fast-changing field. For 30 years the world has been caught in a long ‘global interregnum,’ plunging from one crisis to the next and witnessing the emergence of new, vibrant, multiple, and sometimes contradictory forms of popular resistance and politics. This global ‘interregnum’ – or a period of uncertainty where the old hegemony is fading and the new ones have not yet been fully realized – necessitates critical self-reflection, brave intellectual speculation and (un)learning of perceived wisdoms, and greater transdisciplinary collaboration across theories, localities, and subjects. This Handbook takes up this challenge by developing fresh perspectives on globalization, development, neoliberalism, capitalism, and their progressive alternatives, addressing issues of democracy, power, inequality, insecurity, precarity, wellbeing, education, displacement, social movements, violence and war, and climate change. Throughout, it emphasizes the dynamics for system change, including bringing post-capitalist, feminist, (de)colonial, and other critical perspectives to support transformative global praxis. This volume brings together a mixture of fresh and established scholars from across disciplines and from a range of both Northern and Southern contexts. Researchers and students from around the world and across the fields of politics, sociology, international development, international relations, geography, economics, area studies, and philosophy will find this an invaluable and fresh guide to global studies in the 21st century.
This book covers what local and regional development is and how it is understood. ... Place leadership and regional economic development: A framework for cross-regional analysis. ... 1990: Regions in recession and resurgence.
This book will influence all future research and teaching about the postwar world.’ —Jeremi Suri, Mack Brown Distinguished Chair for Leadership in Global Affairs; Professor of Public Affairs and History, The University of Texas at ...
This interdisciplinary handbook identifies thematic and theoretical areas that require attention and interrogation, inviting the reader to make connections between the ways in which the #MeToo movement has panned out in different parts of ...
This book focuses on social transformations as one of the central topics in the social sciences.
This critical engagement with violence, madness, and power, and related academic work (eg. Daley et al., 2012; ... My younger brother, who is black, used mental health services from an early age. Race significantly influenced the care ...
The Routledge Handbook of Critical Indigenous Studies is the first comprehensive overview of the rapidly expanding field of Indigenous scholarship.
She has widely published on maritime security from an international law perspective, with a special focus on human ... His Understanding Victory: Naval Operations from Trafalgar to the Falklands was published by ABC-Clio in 2014 and he ...
The Essential Guide to Critical Development Studies provides an up-to-date and authoritative introduction to the field, challenging mainstream development discourse and the assumptions that underlie it.
Scott, Joan W. (1986), “Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis,” American Historical Review, 91 (5), 1053–1075. ... Shaw, Stephanie J. (2015), W. E. B. Du Bois and The Souls of Black Folk (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North ...
Containing a mixture of newly commissioned chapters, reprints and updated versions of previous publications, this book brings together major theorists and current research.