"Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach is a unique text that integrates a comprehensive study of eight nations with critical policy issues facing those nations. The individual chapters on the United States, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, Japan, China, Mexico, South Africa, and Iraq provide a wide ranging examination of nations that are representative of the diversity in decision-making frameworks and political development in the international community. Comparative Politics is designed to guide the reader through a series of discussions in each nation's history, including: Key political milestones The structure of government The relationship of citizen to state The role played by political parties, groups and elections The shape and influence of the political elite The current status of the political economy The future direction of the nation in a global environment To further the goals of Comparative Politics, this book features in every chapter: Policy Briefs outlining the policy issues and debates in the forefront of the governing agenda ""Point of Fact"" items highlighting observations and sidebars on politics and life in each country Boxed features providing deeper commentary and factual information"
Organized thematically around important questions in comparative politics—who rules? what explains political behavior? where and why?—Introducing Comparative Politics, Fifth Edition by Stephen Orvis and Carol Ann Drogus, integrates a ...
"Comparative Politics" provides a comprehensive introduction to political systems around the world. It covers methods and theories; the nation-state; institutions; actors and processes; policies; and recent changes.
The text is available with a corresponding casebook of 13 country studies and a corresponding reader; the three components can be used individually or in any combination.
The book's organization allows you to teach the course the way you want to teach it.
All go beyond reporting and monitoring to develop explanations that draw on the authors' expertise while engaging in structured conversations across the book.
This accessible introduction to comparative politics offers a fresh, state-centered perspective on the fundamentals of political science.
Comparative Politics: Critical Concepts in Political Science
Goldberg, S. (1993) Why Men Rule. Chicago: Open Court. Goldstone, J.A. (1991) Revolution ... Granovetter, M.S. (1985) 'Economic action and social structure: the problem of embeddedness', American Journal of Sociology, 91 (3): 481–510.
The book concludes with a stimulating discussion of whether the great systems debates of the past (socialism vs. capitalism, democracy vs. authoritarianism) are now over and points to some of the next important study and research frontiers.
Based on OÕNeil, Fields, and ShareÕs market-leading textbook and casebook, Cases and Concepts in Comparative Politics: An Integrated Approach integrates concepts and cases in one volume.