This book is about the evolution of the communist movement in the Russian Federation from the last years of the U.S.S.R.’s existence through Russia’s presidential elections of June july 1996, when the chief contenders were the incumbent president, Boris N. Yeltsin, and his communist challenger, Gennadii A. Ziuganov. Our main protagonist is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, or CPRF as it is commonly called. But the CPRF was a latecomer to the post-Soviet communist playing field. Its formal establishment came only in February 1993, well after the formation of a number of more doctrinaire communist parties which initially competed with the CPRF and influenced its political profile and conduct in numerous, if not always readily apparent, ways. All of these new Russian CPs emerged from the rubble of what had been the mighty and supposedly monolithic Communist Party ofthe Soviet Union (CPSU). On the Marxist-Leninist political spectrum, however, the range of the official positions espoused by these post-Soviet neocommunist groups was more comparable to that of the international communist movement as a whole in the post-Stalin era than to the CPSU under Nikita S. Khrushchev and Leonid I. Brezhnev.
Sebastian Budgen from Historical Materialism, as well as John McDonald and Ahmed Shawki from Haymarket Books, gave constant encouragement throughout the preparation of this volume. List of Abbreviations 1WC 2WC 3WC 4WC ADGB AFL CGL ...
This companion volume to The Roots of American Communism brings to completion what the author describes as the essence of the relationship of American Communism to Soviet Russia in the fi rst decade after the Bolsheviks seized power.
The Choice Before Us: Mankind at the Crossroads
The Communist Movement at a Crossroads: Plenums of the Commuinst International ́s Executive Committee, 1922-1923
An extensive revision of the valued but unobtainable 1960 edition. Nearly 300 key documents are now readily available in translation.
Russian and Communist Imperialism in Action
The collection of essays presented in this volume grew out of a series of lec tures given at the University of North Carolina during the academic year 1976-1977.
Unless the socialist societies of the East adapt their system to the scientific-technological revolution, as the West has done, they will remain caught in the twentieth century. This is the...
The ABC of Communism: A Popular Explanation of the Program of the Communist Party of Russia
This book tells the untold story of how ordinary Russian people experienced and coped with Russia’s transformations after the end of communism.