The fourth and final installment in Irving Sandler's series on contemporary art, Art of the Postmodern Era surveys the artists, works, movements, and ideas as well as the social and cultural context of this energetic and turbulent period in art.The book begins with the late 1960s, when new directions in art emerged, ranging from diverse postminimal styles to pattern and decoration painting and new image painting. In turn, the 1980s ushered in a second wave of new movements?neoexpressionism, media deconstruction, and commodity art. Sandler also discusses postmodernist art theory, the art market, and consumer society, providing an essential framework for understanding the art of this period.Unlike his previous books, Art of the Postmodern Era includes both American and European artists.
The book also raises an important issue concerning art in the time of globalization. (Series: Development in Humanities - Vol. 3)
1879. Modern Chromatics . New York : Appleton . Rose , Barbara . 1987. Robert Rauschenberg : An Interview with Robert Rauschenberg . New York : Random House . Bibliography * Rosenau , Pauline Marie . 1992. Post - modernism 186.
"This book examines the effect of postmodern discourse on the content and practice of art in the K-12 schools and university preservice education programs for art teachers ... an education...
This book presents an in-depth overview of the arts from the postwar period in Europe and the United States to today, from analysis of the pictorial languages of the leading masters of the second half of the 20th century, including the ...
Document from the year 2019 in the subject Art - Art Theory, General, The University of Western Australia, course: Philosophy, language: English, abstract: In this philosophical lecture I discuss how and why the art of today is not a real ...
This book examines the artistic profession, which can be a challenge to characterize.
(1980). Power/knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings, 1972–1977. Colin Gordon (Ed.) (Colin Gordon et al., Trans.). New York: Pantheon. ----. (1990a). The history ofsexuality, Vol. 1: An introduction (R. Hurley, Trans.).
Teachers reflect on changes in their own teaching, and discuss how they introduce students to contemporary art and plan a curriculum. Includes photos and references. Simultaneously published in PDF and paperback formats.
This is a history of one of the central organizing principles in all schools and periods of art.
Minimalism and Fashion is the first book to examine the minimalist movement in fashion while addressing its confluence with and divergence from similar currents in art, architecture, and design.