One of a series of titles that explores the causes and effects of migration as well as the issues surrounding the phenomenon, including the repercussions for host countries and the countries emigrants leave behind.
Die Nomaden Westtibets: der Überlebenskampf der tibetischen Hirtennomaden
书名原文:Nomads of Western Tibet the survival of a way of life
This review of literature on South Asian nomads is part of a series of monographs on educational access published by the Consortium for Research on Educational Access Transitions and Equity (CREATE).
a a Housing 94. There is very little information on Gypsies and Travellers who live in settled accommodation although it has been estimated that it may be up to 200 000 people.98 It is estimated that many Gypsies and Travellers in ...
Visions of a Nomad
Dealing with themes ranging from literary criticism and art history to ethnography, cultural anthropology and socio-linguistics, the book focuses on the negotiation of discrimination and c