"Heinemann Advanced History" offers a differentiation strategy, with books covering AS and A2. Exam preparation includes practice questions, advice on what makes a good answer and help for students on interpreting questions and planning essays.
By the close of the 19th century, the United States was no longer a continental power, but had become a nation with interests that spanned the globe from the Caribbean to China.
Brian Singleton's book-length study of writer, actor, and director Oscar Asche is explicitly entitled Oscar Asche, Orientalism and British Musical Comedy (2004), while Platt (2004, pp. 65–82) considers the way in which musical comedies ...
India and East Africa: A History of Race Relations Within the British Empire, 1890-1939
This pack contains the following three titles from Advanced History series: Britian 1929-98 (9780435327385) British Imperial and Foreign Policy 1846-1980 (9780435327538) Britain 1890-1939 (9780435327576)
"Photography takes command thus aims to take a timely look at the crucial period between 1890 and 1939 when, supplanting other media, the camera first established itself as the unrivalled...
The essays that comprise this collection examine the development and influence of the British General Staff from the late Victorian period until the eve of World War II. They trace the changes in the staff that influenced British military ...
This book looks at the significance of the countryside and landscape in early British socialism, and at a wide range of examples of socialist activities in the open air.
International Affairs, 1890-1939
Britain's side. Britain had a large industrial capacity and the ship and marine engine-building industry was the world's largest. Britain possessed 143 naval and commercial dry docks capable of docking ships over 350 feet long.
An Economic and Social History of Europe from 1939 to the Present