This resource provides supporting materials for City and Guilds, e-Quals level 2 using the Internet. It contains exercises to help master the skills for assessments, and real life scenarios, practice assignments.
Here’s the guide you need to steer safely through thehazards so you can shop, visit, invest, explore, pay bills, and dodozens of other things online — more securely.
1 root wheel 371 Oct 21 1996 message 1 root wheel 0 May 15 1995 .notar -rw - rw - r- 1 root wheel 1944 Apr 22 09:44 00index.txt lrwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 18 Feb 5 1997 4.4BSD - Lite - > ../ . 21 / bsd - sources lrwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 12 ...
An Internet reference for beginning users offers advice on getting connected, choosing a Web browser, searching the Web, sending and receiving email, joining a newsgroup, and desiging a Web page
Provides a framework to help teachers connect brain-compatible learning, multiple intelligences, and the Internet to help students learn and understand critical concepts.
Student guide on how internet developed and how to use it as a research tool for history subjects.explains search engines, web sites, news groups,and reliability of sources and plagiarism
FTPc (Acorn): File formats On your travels along the Internet route, you will find that many Internet sites make files available for a number of different computers: the IBM-compatible PC, Macintosh, Acorn, ...
This informative book explores new and innovative trends in Internet research, including: methodologies for data collection, sampling, and representation of the subjects psychological testing and using the Internet for training developing ...
Exercised carefully , these guidelines represent an important part of developing critical thinking skills in the context of successful Internet use . USING PRIMARY SOURCES FROM THE INTERNET The remainder of this chapter is devoted to ...
THE STOCK MARKET INDEXES URL : This is the homepage of the Dow Jones Indexes . The indexes ( along with the Standard and Poor's 500 and the Nasdaq ) are the main source of data concerning the ...
The bound version here is provided as a service to those who still prefer the analog printed word. (And to those who want to kick back a few bucks to the author.)