A collection of 90 readers aimed at students aged 7-17 learning English as an additional language, or those who would like extra support with their reading. Levelled into bands of Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced, these readers are categorised into three strands: fiction, non-fiction and science.
This is the ultimate guide to staying alive in extreme situations â?? those events we think will never happen to us, but one day might.
Extreme Survival
This makes it extremely difficult to create successful barricades as the shooter can simply shatter the glass by firing ... the room can set things up, so that they can improve the likelihood of successfully engaging with the attacker.
In this book, Craig puts it all together in a sensible way, step by step, for almost any scenario—from getting lost alone to extreme group tactics.
The Extreme Survival Almanac is written specifically for the vast majority of regular people who may someday find themselves thrust into an emergency survival situation far from assistance - everyday travelers who have no specialized skill ...
Discover everything you need to know about extreme survival. Exactly 100 facts accompanied by photographs and detailed artwork will challenge children, acting as an incentive as they make their way through the book.
Whether you are faced with an extreme survival situation, or you're simply wanting to obtain animals without hunting or trapping, this book will show you how to find, process, and preserve meat without anything but a knife.
This book is the one you need if you want to protect your family, save yourself, and prevail over any danger. Your Go-To Guide for Surviving Anything GET READY, GET SET, SURVIVE You're lost in the woods without food or water.
Extreme Survival
A series of true life adventures, with each book containing a dramatic story written in an accessible style. Complete with fact files, time lines and a comprehensive glossary. This story is about survival above the snow line.