1898 Marie Curie isolates radium 1900 c.1900 Copper mining starts in the Congo in central Africa 1900 Boxer Uprising against foreigners ... A republic is set up in Turkey 1919 Smith brothers make first flight from Australia to Britian .
Contains more than 200 stickers and explores the history of the world from a geographical perspective.
The Usborne Illustrated Atlas of the 20th Century provides a highly visual introduction to the events of the 20th century. Full-colour step-by-step maps, alongside larger decorative maps, photographs and illustrations...
With more than 500 photographs and illustrations and over 25 maps, this is the most authoritative visual chronological record of the last 20,000 years.
You will find the history of the world covering the major civilizations, rulers and events. The book paints a vivid picture of everyday life over thousands of years.
Take a tour of the British Isles with this stylish, fact-filled atlas.
Featuring more than six hundred maps, this reference combines the visual detail of an atlas with a comprehensive narrative of world history from ancient times to the present
In addition to the main spreads, a small number of feature spreads throughout the book focus more closely on a well-known civilisation, allowing readers to build on their interest and find out more about ever-popular topics such as the ...
... Moon and Planets 75 Superbikes 37 Supercars 37 Su's Snowgirl 14 Terratopia 174(rmm) Threatened Planet 973D Atlas ... 98 Usborne History of the Twentieth Century, The 132 Usborne Illustrated Atlas of World History, The 111 Usborne ...
This edition combines all four volumes in the series, depicting the world and its people between 10000BCE and the present day.
This illustrated encyclopedia is a history of the world covering the major civilizations, rulers and events, and includes two hundred recommended Web sites for additional information.