Dora and Boots have found some strange footprints in the sandbox, and need the reader's help to discover who--or what--made them. Features rebuses.
To teach the kinds of tracks a particular animal makes, the direction in which the animal was going and whether it was moving fast or slowly.
Fast-paced mystery adventure stories with a spooky supernatural twist - these are the animal X-Files.
A half-crazed boy has turned up at the Animal Investigators HQ, raving about an army of gulls taking over his town, led by the malevolent Red Eye.
看, 小东西出壳了!: 动物的卵与孵化
Welches Tier läuft denn hier?: Dreh- und Suchspaß auf dem Bauernhof ; [2+ Jahre, Spurensuche auf dem Bauernhof]
In this book, leading tracking expert Jim Lowery distills his remarkable expertise, gained over decades of intensive research and practical field experience, into a comprehensive field guide to tracking North American mammals.
¡Sigue esos pasos!
Dora Sigue Esos Pasos
Courte adaptation d'une aventure de Dora et de son singe Babouche à laquelle le lecteur est invité à participer en résolvant l'énigme proposée à l'héroïne du petit écran, en repérant des objets dans l'image et en évitant Chipeur ...
Guide to identifying mammals in North America through tracking, and using this information in understanding their behavior.