When Gregor learns the ancient prophecy foretelling his death, he must gather his courage to defend Regalia and take his mother and sister home safely.
A visual reference contains true stories of such creatures as vampires, aliens, werewolves, and ghosts, accompanied by photographic evidence, eyewitness accounts, and original interviews.
Encyclopedia Horrifica
Presents excerpts from each of the five volumes of the fantasy series describing the adventures of the Grace children in their Aunt Lucinda's Victorian house and the dwarfs, goblins, and the evil ogre, Mulgarath, with whom they do battle ...
This really is The Bumper Book of Simon's Cat.
This work provides a history of “the green fairy”, a study of its use and abuse, an exploration of the tremendous social problems (not unlike the cocaine problems of this century) it caused, and an examination of the extent to which the ...
Papa Jim is a very famous healer and root doctor. He brings you this compilation of remedies and potions from all over the world. Share the secret recipes that have mystically solved the problems of Papa Jim's many devotees.
It is a broad and vague term. Nothing exists in the English language that quite captures the essence of yokai. This field guide contains over 100 illustrated entries covering a wide variety of Japanese yokai.
The theatre of early modern England was a disastrous affair.
The accompanying line drawings, specially prepared for this volume, highlight the noteworthy forensic evidence in each case.
Kitty decides to run for President of the Neighborhood Cat Association.