Relates in cartoon format the further adventures of Sir Hamm as he embarks upon a quest.
Children's Book Review Index
The Elementary School Library Collection: A Guide to Books and Other Media, Phases 1-2-3
An annotated listing of about 11,000 titles for children through the sixth grade.
Intended for public and school librarians, teachers and other school personnel, and community groups working with children to promote an interest in reading, this book contains planning suggestions and activities...
As both author and illustrator he has written The Nothings and the critically acclaimed The Hero of Hamblett and Sir Hamm and the Golden Sundial . Sal Murdocca lives in Rockland County , New York , with his daughter and two cats .
Melissa finds something that seems to be neither animal, vegetable, nor mineral, yet it becomes a loved member of the family.
Subject Guide to Children's Books in Print
This is the most comprehensive dictionary available on comic art produced around the world. The catalog provides detailed information about more than 60,000 cataloged books, magazines, scrapbooks, fanzines, comic books,...
Fiction, Folklore, Fantasy & Poetry for Children, 1876-1985: Titles, awards
American Book Publishing Record: BPR annual cumulative