In her work with disturbed children, Lissa begins to notice that more and more children have reported a tale of a man with no face--a man that all the adults insist is merely a childish fantasy. Original.
William G. Crook, Laura J. Stevens. medical community and the public to the importance ... J. Rea , M.D. , Bernard Rimland , Ph.D. , Marshall S. Ringsdorf , D.M.D. , Sherry Rogers , M.D. , Mrs. Raymond Rubicam , Phyllis Saifer , M.D. xxii.
... M.D. , Morton Teich , M.D. , Jonathan Wright , M.D. , and Ray Wunderlich , M.D. Special appreciation is due to John ... Linus Pauling , Ph.D. , William H. Philpott , M.D. , Saul Pilar , M.D. , Doris Rapp , M.D. , William J. Rea ...
Pearl Moscowitz's Last Stand Levine, A. Ages 9-12 Pearl Moscowitz takes a stand when the city tries to chop down the last ginko tree on her street. Use this to talk about respecting the environment. People Spier, P. Ages 4-8 Emphasizes ...
The standard reference in the field, this acclaimed work synthesizes findings from hundreds of carefully selected studies of mental health treatments for children and adolescents.
Characteristics of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders of Children and Youth Pearson New International Edition
Assesses children's emotions and behavior for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of developmental, learning and behavior disorders.
Fostering Changes: A Training Programme for Foster Carers
All children are challenging to some extent, but some are morechallenging than others.
Distance Education Course: Learning Support
Les risques et la résistance chez les enfants de six et de dix ans