Sixteen-year-old Sophie, frail and delicate since her premature birth, discovers her true strength during a journey through Mexico, where the six-year-old orphan her family hopes to adopt was born, and to Guatemala, where her would-be boyfriend hopes to find his mother and plans to remain. Reader's Guide available. Reprint.
From Abuse-Hell to Living-Well Pamela K. Keyser. The Red Glass The Red Glass Memoir: From Abuse-Hell to Living-Well Pamela K. 57035-KEYS-layout.pdf.
Avon's 1875 Cape Cod pattern glass dinnerware, made from 1975 to 1993, is one of the most beautiful deep ruby patterns.
When art student Noah gets a dream job cataloging the wine cellar at an aging Tuscan estate, it's Christian, the hunky contractor in charge of the villa's remodel, who makes the experience unforgettable.
In The Red Glass, I told the story from A to Z. This time I will include my emotions and feelings (something harder to access). I will be brutally honest and include some things I left out of The Red Glass, either because someone begged ...
This exclusive collector’s edition of Glass Sword, the second book in the beloved Red Queen series, features dramatic new cover art, a sleek printed case, beautiful color interior art pieces, and a bonus Glass Sword scene from a new voice ...
Unlike most of Hammett’s works, the protagonist of The Glass Key isn’t a private detective; Ned Beaumont is a gambler, and the friend of a criminal boss.
ABUELITA (ah-bway-LEE-tah) Grandmother ABUELo (ah-BWAY-lo) Grandfather ADIós (ah-dee-OHS) Goodbye ADoBE (ah-DOH-bay) A material for building houses, made of clay, mud, straw, stones, and corncobs iANIMo! (AH-nee-moh) Have courage!
She might not see race, colour or creed but it seems everybody else does . . . This dazzling novel will entrance teenage and adult readers alike.
The Four Auins is the first book in the God’s Council series about the birth of the four brothers. The story begins galecs after Vernakula created humans and when Irunkula, the youngest of the Kulas decides to create fairies.
How can you use characters to create dynamic fiction that will captivate readers? This book explains the relationship between character and plot, and how the perfect melding of the two produces a mesmerizing story.