Provides nutritional information on thousands of generic, brand-name, and fast-food items, including up-to-date lists of calories, carbohydrates, cholesterol, sodium, protein, fat, and fiber content.
Newly revised and updated! Thousands of new listings! THE INDISPENSABLE ONE-VOLUME REFERENCE FROM CORINNE T. NETZER, AMERICA’S #1 AUTHORITY ON THE NUTRITIONAL CONTENT OF FOOD Are you counting your calories, carbs, or fat grams?
The Complete Book of Food Counts is completely revised and updated for the sixth edition, containing thousands of new listings--including a variety of ethnic foods.
This comprehensive reference lists more than 40,000 food items, complete with nutritional content for calories, fat, cholesterol, protein, carbohydrates, sodium, and fiber.
This handy reference makes it easy for you to quickly find the nutritional information on over 30,000 different food items. It provides information on calories, fat, cholesterol, protein, carbohydrates, sodium,...
Revised and expanded, this guide contains more listings than ever before on a large variety of foods. Readers can take this book on the road to get counts for calories, fat, protein, carbohydrates and other nutritional contents of food.
Featuring all-new information on a wide variety of new products, here are essential counts for generic and brand-name foods PLUS the latest gourmet and health foods, including hundreds of ethnic foods.
The importance of a balanced and healthful diet cannot be overemphasized. But how can you be sure you are getting all of the nutrients your body requires? The "Complete Book...
... dried (Eden) bars 1 Tbs 10 2 2 0 flakes 1 Tbs 10 2 2 0 raW 2Tbs 3
... bottle (12 oz) 170 Stirrings Ginger Ale 8 oz 120 Tab Soda 8 oz 1 Tava Sparkling Brazilian Samba 8 oz 0 Sparkling Mediterranean Fiesta 8 oz 0 Thomas Kemper Black Cherry 1 bottle (12 oz) 170 GingerAle 1 bottle (12 oz) 150 Orange Cream ...
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