AfterSchool Kidzlit is a program of reading and connected activities for grades K to 8, with appealing books and easy-to-use leader's guides for: games; talk topics; role-play; cool words; art, music, and drama; hands-on projects; reading aloud, partner groups, and book clubs.
AfterSchool KidzLit Guide for 'Seventh Grade
AfterSchool Kidzlit
This leader's guide offers suggestions for activities to introduce the book and engage young people's interest in it.
AfterSchool KidzLit Guide for Champions
Maebelle has worked hard on her hat entry. She is very pleased with her work. But her friend Binkle needs help. She must persuade him to leave his things behind. This is a warm, funny story about two friends who act purely out of love.
This leader's guide offers suggestions for activities to introduce the book and engage young people's interest in it.
Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to : Copyright Permissions , Steck - Vaughn Company , P.O. Box 26015 , Austin , Texas 78755 . Printed in China . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB 06 05 04 03 Contents ...
Joe hates to read, but when a book falls from his ceiling, it sucks him in. Literally! How is he going to get back home before his mother finds out...
Family: Literature Circles, Grades 6-8
Coming of Age: Literature Circles, Grades 6-8