Second in the exciting time-travel series in which a 26th-century scientist becomes a castaway in the past. Noel Kendran goes back to 1887 New Mexico where his murderous alter-ego picks up his trail. To make matters worse, Noel must rescue a woman from Apache warriors. For if she dies, there will be a devastating split in the time stream.
Miss Vaughan says that this young lady , Brid , is a tinker lass , a Romany . Is that right ? ” Adam nodded . “ Do you have anything of hers ? Did she give you a keepsake ? A memento ? A charm ? Anything that you could have passed on to ...
When twenty-something Wall Street analyst Kate Wilson attracts the notice of the legendary Julian Laurence at a business meeting, no one's more surprised than she is.
The Guardians of Time
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Zurück in die Zukunft: Roman nach einem Drehbuch von Robert Zemeckis und Bob Gale ; [das Buch zum neuen Film...
Powrót do przyszłoṡci: w trzech opowieṡciach
It should have been unbearably warm in the Great Hall , but it was perfect , just perfect . So she took a deep breath and continued to survey the hall , the wonders that were in every corner to savor and enjoy , just there for the ...
When a highly skilled sensitive comes into contact with a strange green stone, she finds herself trapped in the past in the identity of another person.
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