"Attempt to provide basic information about all the mineral species that have been cut as gems, including their color varieties.
The Literature of Gemstones
Shaman Spirit Casting Stones: Spirituousness of Self Light
White S-rich sodalite Hackmanite 1.480 Photochromic : purple in UV, returns to Na4Al3(SiO4)3Cl + S 5,5-6 Cub Po V-G white ... MnS2 4 Cub Pf3 M Hausmannite 2.150 Brownish black, greyish MnMn2O4 5.5 Tetr Pf Sub Hauyne 1.490 Blue but also ...
"The Gemstones Handbook is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to the world of precious gems and ornamental stones.
As well as the naturally occurring minerals that have long been prized as gemstones, such as diamonds, emeralds and rubies, this book covers 'organic gems', including pearls, amber and coral, and synthetic gems and simulants, or imitations.
Contents: Setting Up a Basic Lab; Proper Lighting; How to Use Each Instrument & What It Will Show; Major Errors and How to Correct Them, and more.
This revised edition covers the latest gems, synthetics, treatments and instruments.
The book also explains how to care for rare gemstones and how to keep them from being damaged.
Gemstones: Properties & Identification
This book is the definitive guide to gems for over 20 years, takes the mystery out of appreciating, buying and selling all kinds.