For the practicing architect, landscape architect as well as the student.
Douglas Johnson: Southwest Traditions and Modern Icons
Introducing a basis for design that transcends fixed notions of style and emerging technologies, this book emphasizes feeling, moving and the experiential.
This is the first volume to showcase the Crawford House; it is emblematic of the dynamic interplay between art, architecture, and representation that characterizes Morphosis' work. -- from back cover.
The bond Colorado. of the concrete to the thin brick is dependent on a mechanical key provided by dovetailed slots in the thin brick as well as the balance between the initial rate of absorption of the brick and the cement-to-water ...
图4-41 空铺地层构造四、地坪防潮构造地面返潮现象主要出现在我国南方,每当春夏之交,气温升高,加之雨水增多, 空气中相对湿度较大,当地坪表面温度降到露点温度时,空气中的水蒸气遇冷便凝聚成小水珠附在地表面上,当地面的透水性较差时,往往会在地面形成一层 ...
阿巴罗斯在这本书里,通过七个章节,引领读者探访20世纪的七座住宅,它们有的是建成作品,有的是未建成,有的只是电影里的场景。这些或真实或虚构的住宅,向读者们展现20世 ...
“脑库”(Think-Tank)与 NGO组织曾和许多知名学府,诸如哈佛商学院、哥伦比亚商学院、普林斯顿大学的伍德罗·威尔逊公共国际事务学院等有过合作。很早之前,工业设计品牌公司已和汽车制造公司在欧洲的学术界开始建立研究工作室。自2009年开始,麻省理工学院, ...
《环境设计手绘表现效果图》一书在编写过程中总结了多年的教学经验和体会,与其他表现形式相比,手绘表现在捕捉设计灵感、完善和修正设计方案方面更具有优势。作者系统地介 ...
张彤, 瑞纳·皮尔克, 张慧. 杨晨的练习:三维单元的研究 Exercises by YANG Chen:Study on 3D Elements 编组工作数字模型的生成.