Cowan, N. (2001). The magical number 4 in short-term memory: A reconsideration of mental storage capacity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24, 87–114. Crespi, B., & Badcock, C. (2008). Psychosis and autism as diametrical disorders of the ...
Monkeys and Apes
These beautifully illustrated and thoroughly researched books pay tribute to some of the world's most fascinating animals. Spectacular, full-color photographs and informative text show each family of animals in their...
Biology of the Living Primates
AFRICA IN MY BLOOD is an extraordinary self-portrait in letters of Jane Goodall's early years, from childhood to the publication of IN THE SHADOW OF MAN, revealing this remarkable woman...
This book explores in detail how and why animals, including humans, cooperate with one another in conflicts with other members of their own species, and examines the difference such help...
"A greatly revised and reformatted edition, now with companion CD-ROM! The second edition of this outstanding workbook by a veteran prima-tologist conveys the fascination, ecstasy, and unpredictability inherent in the...
Contains 33 essays, originally published in Natural History magazine, reporting on field studies of free-ranging primates. Written by respected academics and field biologists, contributions are divided into four sections: social...
The Evolution of Primate Behavior
This newly revised second edition introduces the perspective that a primatologist brings to an understanding of behavior. The text provides a framework, comparative attitude, & anecdotal examples.