They are must reading forplanning professionals and all concerned citizens." --John OrmsbeeSimonds, FASLA. "More designers need to broaden their horizons in the way John Lylehas put forth in this book.
The book exposes our visceral and experiential connections to buildings, and how buildings intervene directly with our ecosystem, natural environment and sense of place.
For a discussion of this wager and others, see Paul Sabin, The Bet: Paul Ehrlich, Julian Simon, and Our Gamble over Earth's Future (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2014). 4. E. P. Odum, Ecology (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, ...
This 10th anniversary edition makes the work available to a new generation of practitioners and thinkers concerned with moving our society onto a more sustainable path.
6. Ian MacLaren , " Cultured Wilderness in Jasper National Park , ” Journal of Canadian Studies 34 , no . 3 ( 1999 ) : 7–58 ( quote on 42 ) . 7. See Thomas Birch , “ The Incarceration of Wildness : Wilderness Areas as Prisons ...
Uses case studies, anecdotes, dialogues, images and theory to provide a treatment of the concept of ecological design
Todd and Todd, From Eco-Cities to Living Machines, 77; J. Todd, E. Brown, and E. Wells, “Ecological design applied,” Ecological Engineering 20 (2003): 421–40; J. Todd and B. Josephson, “The design of living technologies for waste ...
Transformative Perspectives Mark DeKay. • Most significantly, Integral Design will need to develop and test ways of integrating the multiple methods of ... Sustainable Design means and how it feels are 434 Integral Sustainable Design.
"Ecological design, the marriage of nature and technology, can be applied at all levels of scale to create revolutionary forms of buildings, landscapes, cities, and technologies. Some examples include sewage...
These are the multiple tasks that humanity must carry out imminently if there is to be a future for human society and all lifeforms and their environments on the Planet.