Silverman , J. , and Adams , J. D. N - Nitrosamines in laboratory animal feed and bedding . Lab . Animal Sci . 33 , 161 , 1983 . 106. Simenhoff , M. L. , Dunn , S. R. , Fiddler , W. , Pensabene , J. W. , and Smiley , J. Generation of ...
This volume is based on Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 8th edition. It contains revised entries for substances selected by the author and recent regulations.
Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials
Since its inception in the early 1950's, this book has become the "bible" for those who need to evaluate the hazard of substances used in commerce. The book contains extensive data on approximately 28,000 substances.
Chemical entries include hazard rating, chemical abstracts service registry number, molecular weight and formula, properties, and toxicity data.
Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials
The eleventh edition provides an essential, up-to-date resource for professionals in industrial hygiene, safety, emergency response, law, and policymaking.
Since its inception in the early 1950s, this work has become the "bible" for those who need to evaluate the hazard of substances used in commerce.
Since its inception in the early 1950s, this work has become the "bible" for those who need to evaluate the hazard of substances used in commerce. It is the only...
"This Twelfth edition of Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials includes comprehensive hazard information on the substances encountered in the workplace.
Chemical entries include hazard rating, chemical abstracts service registry number, molecular weight and formula, properties, and toxicity data.