Cardiovascular Pathology

Cardiovascular Pathology
Cardiovascular Pathology
Medical / Cardiology
Churchill Livingstone
Frederick J. Schoen, Malcolm D. Silver, Avrum I. Gotlieb


Here's the revised, updated edition of this comprehensive text on the pathology of the cardiovascular system in a single volume. This new edition is generously illustrated, and emphasizes recent advances in molecular pathology and the most relevant clinicopathologic correlations. This text is an invaluable resource for comprehensive, yet concise information on the clinical effects of diseases and their pathologic mechanisms. Additional sources have contributed to this edition.

  • Details the anatomy, structure, and examination of the heart and vascular system with guidelines for histologic and other examinations.
  • Offers a comprehensive review of cardiovascular diseases in adults that includes discussions of congenital lesions.
  • Examines the clinical effects of diseases and their basic pathologic mechanisms.
  • Details the pathological findings in sudden death, heart/brain interactions, the effects of systemic diseases, tumors, and the applications of molecular diagnostics.
  • Presents the findings and/or pathology related to a full range of diagnostic, surgical, and interventional proceduresincluding stents, prosthetic valves, and vascular grafts.
  • Explores the geographic differences in the incidence and behaviour of diseases.
  • Includes a fully updated bibliography of the latest journal reviews and original reports emphasizing new data plus areas of controversy.
  • Emphasis on Molecular Biology
  • Streamlined into one volume

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