This second edition of Essentials of Pain Management and Regional Anesthesia, offers an accessible and concise, yet complete, overview of today's theory and practice of pain medicine and regional anesthesia. From a review of basic considerations through local anesthetics and nerve block techniques, this book provides the reader with an excellent tool for exam review or practice of Pain Management.
Gershuny, B. S., & Thayer, J. F. (1999). Relations among psychological trauma, dissociative phenomena, and trauma-related distress: A review and integration. Clinical Psychology Review, 19(5), 631–657. Gignac, M. A. M., & Cott ...
著名廣西奇醫張家駿曾治癒無數患上皮膚病、眼疾、性無能等不治之症的病人 本書由張家駿醫師的學生親筆撰寫,詳述親眼目擊治療過程及醫療手法, ...
本書以科研實證、臨床測試為基礎,揭示長生不病的養生之道! 作者以明朝太醫劉純養生之道為本,教你改善生活習慣,增強生命力, 瞬間踢走都市病,有病治病,無病養生! ...
★第一本「醫師+病人+個案管理師」三方合作的超實用乳癌工具書 ★50個平易Q&A,告訴您乳癌患者及其照護者最該知道的事! ...
例如世界上患高血压最少的非洲马萨伊族人以牛奶为主食,每天饮用量达3L-10L。该民族完全不吃食盐,钠元素靠从牛奶中摄取。钠是使血压升高的一种危险因子。身体中钠和钾的平衡可确保血压的正常,由于牛奶中含多量的钾,因此马萨伊族人虽然不吃盐,却能确保钠钾 ...
是明朝当时名医李杲的是这方面最有名的方子,刘纯就在他的这个处方的基础上实验研究出他的,其主要成份:熊胆、厚朴、泽泻、草果、乌梅及其保密成份。经过几百年的研究实验,刘家发现这处方还能治现代的夏季热、肝炎、肝硬化、艾滋病、 ...
Applying an ancient Chinese healing art to a common health problem, the author presents a variety of Qigong techniques that will alleviate the pain and suffering caused by arthritis. Original.
Cecil: Textbook of Medicine
The most comprehensive book available on neonatal intervention, this in-depth resource gives professionals the strong foundation of clinical knowledge they'll need to work with high-risk newborns. With a unique developmental...
This highly popular textbook of medical genetics covers both the scientific basis and clinical applications of genetics. It remains well written and easy to understand -- two of its key...