Consciousness & Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind-body Medicine

Consciousness & Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind-body Medicine
Medical / Alternative & Complementary Medicine
Elsevier Churchill Livingstone
Marc S. Micozzi, Marilyn Schlitz, Tina Amorok


This collection of essays on integral medicine, consciousness, and healing integrates mainstream medical knowledge with recent developments in the emerging areas of frontier sciences and insights from alternative healing perspectives. It promotes a model of healing in which personal relationships, emotions, meaning, and belief systems are viewed as fundamental points of connection between body, mind, spirit, society, and nature. Integral medicine embraces the recognition that human beings possess emotional, spiritual, and relational dimensions that are essential in the diagnosis and treatment of disease and the cultivation of wellness.

Readers learn from the leaders in the emerging field of integral medicine and consciousness research, from the most well known (Deepak Chopra), to the frontline policy makers (James Gordon-one of the heads of the White House Commission on Conventional and Complementary and Alternative Medicine). Readers also gain insights from health professionals who have experienced healing within themselves and witnessed remarkable healing in their patients. We hear from other medical professionals (through the essays and the interviews on the accompanying DVD) who approach medicine from an array of cultural perspectives, and can attest to this multicultural, interdisciplinary, and participatory healing system in action. Consciousness and Healing contains 47 essays in the book plus 9 bonus essays read aloud on the DVD. Essays are short and in language suited to an audience of both lay and professional readers, with extensive references on the DVD to original scientific studies for those interested in further exploration.

  • The most comprehensive and authoritative collection of work on the subject of healing.
  • Joins subjective mind-body experiences with evidence-based research.
  • Comprehensive view of healing as a complex system - something few texts do from such an interdisciplinary, multidimensional, and scientific perspective.
  • The editors build on over 30 years of research in the area of mind-body medicine and consciousness
  • The DVD packaged with this product contains 50 minutes of video interviews with many of the high-profile leaders who contribute to this book, as well as practitioners in the medical field who do not contribute to this book, but who do subscribe to its philosophy. It also contains 9 essays (read aloud) that are not in the book. References and the book's table of contents are on the DVD in Microsoft Word format.
  • Essays are written in a conversational style allowing the thoughts of the contributors on the transformation of medicine to be projected in their own voice.
  • Editors and contributors are on the forefront of the field of integrative medicine.
  • Subject is timely; this book takes CAM one-step further by providing physicians with a vision for the future.

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