This new international seventh edition contains over 250,000 entries (23,000 of them are new to this edition) of abbreviations, acronyms, appellations, contractions, eponyms, geographic equivalents, initials and slang shortcuts. It covers such vastly diverse topics as computer jargon, earthquake data, English grammar and usage, international conversions, medical terminology, wedding anniversaries and postal coding. New addenda to this edition include euphemisms, British and Irish county abbreviations, dysphemistic place names, international vehicle license letters, prisons of the world and their toponyms, and much else. The dictionary is a current and easily accessible resource for locating some of the most elusive and confusing elements in our language. ISBN 0-444-00807-1: $47.50 (For use only in the library).
... Tallest Mountain Mount Robson—12,972 feet or 3,954 meters—in the Canadian Rockies Canada's Westernmost City Dawson, Yukon Canada's Westernmost Point in Yukon Territory just east of Alaska's Demarcation Point Canary Islands' Largest ...
Medical acronyms and abbreviations offer convenience, but can often be confusing and difficult to decode.
An updated edition of current acronyms, abbreviations, and Americanisms includes some 19,000 entries that encompass a wide range of blends, clippings, foreign words, initialisms, numericals, and truncations.
AF Afghanistan. AF Agricoltura e Foreste (Italy). AF Air Force. AF The airline code for Air France. AF; af Alta FrequenDa. Italian initialism meaning: Digh Frequency. A 1/2 F A meDIB Ferrovia. Italian initialism meaning: by rail.
... Aid to Russian Christians ( founded by Jane Ellis ( 1951-98 ) ARCA Associate of the Royal Cambrian Academy ARCA Associate of the Royal Canadian Academy ARCE Academical Rank of Civil Engineers Arch archaic ; archaism Arch archipelago ...
Texting Dictionary of Acronyms
My first encoWlter with acronyms took place when I was ten years old and growing up in an occupied COWltry during the Second World War.
A pocket-sized compendium of abbreviated words offers the definitions and etymology of words such as "Chunnel" to the IRS, L8R, EZ, biz, dorm, and many more.
This reference is important for all practitioners and users in the areas mentioned above, and those who consult or write technical material. This Second Edition contains 10,000 new entries, for a total of 33,000.
International Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary