Featuring survey articles by leading economists working on growth theory, this two-volume set covers theories of economic growth, the empirics of economic growth, and growth policies and mechanisms. It also covers technology, trade and geography, and growth and socio-economic development.
"The Handbook of Economic Growth provides a broad review of the research topics, empirical findings, and methods that comprise modern growth economics.
Jack J. Gerson , Horatio Nelson Lay and Sino - British Relations , 18541864 48 . Paul Richard Bohr , Famine and ... William J. Tyler , tr . , The Psychological World of Natsumi Soseki , by Doi Takeo 70 . 69. Eric Widmer , The Russian ...
The definitive reference work on this topic, The Handbook of Economic Development and Institutions will be essential for academics, researchers, and professionals working in the field.
The financial accelerator in a quantitative business cycle framework (B. Bernanke, M. Gertler and S. Gilchrist). Part 7: Monetary and Fiscal Policy. 22. Political economics and macroeconomic policy (T. Persson, G. Tabellini). 23.
Las acepciones sencillas del progreso técnico 7.1 Introducción : Inventos , innovaciones y progreso técnico A pesar de su apariencia distinta en contenido y estilo , los modelos de crecimiento económico analizados en los Capítulos 3 a 5 ...
This handbook organizes chapters by sets of policies that are important components of discussions about how to facilitate development.
The Handbook of Historical Economics guides students and researchers through a quantitative economic history that uses fully up-to-date econometric methods.
With issues such as climate change looming large, our understanding of growth and sustainability is critical. This Handbook offers a broad range of perspectives that can help the reader to decide: Growth? Sustainability? Both? Or neither?
Economists examine the genesis of technological change and the ways we commercialize and diffuse it.
1 Economic Geography: Transition and Growth Gordon L Clark and Maryann Feldmann and Meric Gertler 2 Economic Geography: The Great Half Century Allen Scott Part I Conceptual Perspectives Section 1 Mapping the Territory 3 Where in the World ...