Scientists, within a wide field, ranging from applied forestry and agriculture to physiology, ecology and the environmental sciences, are today more than ever involved in root and mycorrhizal research. New problem-oriented research fields have arisen such as the effects of fertilizers and pesticides, forest management and regeneration etc. At a time when root research is expanding into different areas, it is much more difficult for the root scientist to penetrate all the new information appearing in literature. The contributors of this volume are leading scientists from different fields of root research. The ISRR-symposium in Uppsala clearly demonstrated that there are new techniques in progress, in particular with regards to video recording of plant root systems and digital image processing. The main objectives of the symposium were (i) to provide a forum for communication between scientists from different disciplines working with root research problems, (ii) to contribute to an expansion of root studies into new areas, (iii) to use current estimates of root turnover for charting the upper and lower limit of below-ground production, and (iv) to spread knowledge of new findings and techniques of the importance of root research. This book is aimed at serving as a vehicle for improving the coherence of root research, for harmonizing methods and establishing overall objectives and gaps in the knowledge of rhizosphere dynamics.
The Plant Root and Its Environment: Proceedings
Root. Architecture—Wheat. as. a. Model. Plant. Günther G.B.Manske and Paul L.G.Vlek Center for Development Research, ... This chapter describes the morphology, physiology, ecology, and function of wheat roots, and reviews the current ...
Farina, M.P.W., Thomas, P.E.L. and Channon, P. (1985) Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium effects on the incidence of Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze in maize. ... Hetrick, B.A.D. (1991) Mycorrhizas and root architecture.
This much-needed Second Edition of a standard resource offers a state-of-the-art, multi-disciplinary presentation of plant roots - examining structure and development, assemblage of root systems, metabolism and growth, stressful environments,...
This book is at the forefront of plant root science (rhizology), catering to professional plant scientists and graduate students. It covers root development, stress physiology, ecology, and associations with microorganisms.
This book is a specialized monograph on soil physical conditions and root-system relations.
Principles of Horticultural Physiology. CABI, Oxfordshire, UK, ISBN 978-1-78064306 9. 2013. [116] Hasanuzzaman M, Nahar K, Fujita M. Extreme temperatures responses, oxidative stress and antioksidant defence in plants. Chapter 6. InTech.
This book is a collection of fundamental and applied research on the plant root response to environmental clues.
Uniform and preferential flow, mechanisms in the vadose zone. In Conceptual models of flow and transport in the fractured vadose zone. Washington, DC: National Research Council, National Academy, pp. 149–187. Ines, A. V. M., and Mohanty ...
Influence of root system morphology and development on the need for fertilizers and the efficiency of use. In: Crops as Enhancers of Nutrient Use, eds., V. C. Baligar and R. R. Duncan, pp. 411—451. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.