Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is an activity closely related to the quality and reliability of products, and to the reliable and safe operation of industrial plants. Physical measuring techniques are used to examine parts of constructional assemblies for hidden imperfections and defects. A wide choice of measuring techniques is available to meet the demand of examining a wide variety of materials such as metals, plastics, rocks, as well as different structures and sizes ranging from semiconductor chips to nuclear reactors and off-shore oil platforms. Activities in the field of NDT encompass: Fundamental research to understand and describe the way in which reactions of certain imperfections to a physical measuring technique can be optimized and used to assess type and grade of imperfection; Methods to characterize materials and materials properties; Applications in product quality control; Applications in plant inspection to ensure a reliable operation of components, avoiding damage to both man and environment, as well as financial losses; Personnel education and qualification schemes; The spread of NDT applications to newly industrialized countries. The two proceedings volumes contain over 400 review and specialist papers. The most recent developments in the field of NDT are presented with contributions by outstanding experts from all over the world. Papers are grouped according to technique for those dealing with fundamental research and to field of application for the more practical oriented ones. In this way each chapter provides an easy overview of related current research. Extensive keyword indexes have been included to facilitate the retrieval of information according to individual requirements. The high technical level of the papers and their up-to-date content will make them an indispensable source of information for students, researchers and professionals in the areas covered.
This book, titled Non-destructive Testing Techniques meets the requirement for a text book on Non-Destructive Testing and also a support text for courses on Materials Science and Technology/Materials Testing and Technology.
Comprehensive guide to the basic principles and applications of non-destructive testing methods for aircraft system and components: airframe, propulsion, landing gear and more Provides detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages ...
This updated Second Edition covers current state-of-the-art technology and instrumentation The Second Edition of this well-respected publication provides updated coverage of basic nondestructive testing (NDT) principles for currently ...
The authors, while updating the earlier chapters, also added new techniques in the Second edition on Neutron radiography, Pulsed Eddy Current Testing, Low Frequency Eddy Current Testing, SQUID based Eddy Current Testing and Mechanical ...
It is of great importance that both individual components and complete engineer ing assemblies and structures are free from damaging defects and other possible causes of premature failure. A whole...
This comprehensive book covers the five major NDT methods - liquid penetrants, eddy currents, magnetic particles, radiography and ultrasonics in detail and also considers newer methods such as acoustic emission and thermography and ...
This book proposes innovative ways to deal with this problem, through the characterization of concrete durability indicators by the use of non-destructive techniques.
This is the first book to apply NDT and condition monitoring to these complex systems.
This text provides coverage of all major aspects of NDT, including the overlap between methods and their relative importance.
This book is based on part of a course on Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) presented to fourth year Mechanical and Aerospace undergraduate students in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.