Atomic absorption spectroscopy is now a well-established technique for the determination of trace elements covering a wide range of analyte types. The early theory and instrumentation chapters incorporate recent trends in instrumental design and methodology, in particular those associated with electrothermal techniques and background correction. The major thrust of the book is represented by 14 application chapters which give an extensive well referenced review of the practical use of the technique written by experts drawn from their own speciality areas. These include the determination of trace elements in areas as diverse as environmental, chemical and industrial analysis.
Whilst the book is primarily concerned with atomic absorption spectroscopy, any analyst involved in sample handling prior to trace elemental analysis will find this book a valuable compendium of methodology drawn from a very wide range of applications. For the current user of the technique the well referenced sections critically evaluate the state-of-the-art, while for the newer user the text will form the basis of a good laboratory handbook which offers a comprehensive instruction on the theory and instrumental design in atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Goldstein , R. , J. Quant . Spectros . Radiative Transfer , 4 , 343 ( 1964 ) . 98. Gorbatyi , Yu . E. and G. V. Bondarenko , Ocherki Fiz . - Khim . Petrologii , 1973 , No. 3 , 207 . 99. Gorbunov , B. Z. and Yu .
... 1600cm 1 区域的强吸收峰可能是芳香环 C = 0 的伸缩振动。阴丹士林蓝靛蓝的红外吸收光谱如图 2-38 和图 2-39 所示。 T % con CI .还原蓝 41f98005 Myny 4IIII.
加利福尼亚大学(戴维斯)食品科技系,加利福尼亚州戴维斯市 Chi-Tang Ho 罗格斯大学食品科学系,新泽西州新布朗斯维克市 Kerry C.Huber 爱达荷大学,爱达荷州莫斯科市 Robert C.Lindsay 威斯康星大学(麦迪逊)食品科学系,威斯康星州麦迪逊市 D.Julian ...
To the author's knowledge no complete review exists of the published work in this very interesting new field; a situation it is hoped the present volume will rectify.
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I. Introduction; How to use the handbook; Sample preparation in analytical chemistry (organic analysis); Sample preparation in analytical chemistry (inorganic analysis); Quantitative measurements; Managing laboratory information; Laboratory automation; II. Separation...
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