The truth is - it doesn't matter how smart or how slick a presentation is, if it isn't in sync with the decision maker's mindset, then it's bound to fail. That's the conclusion drawn by Miller and Williams, who completed an exhaustive study of more than 1,700 key business executives. Their research shows that decision makers can be placed into five distinct categories: Charismatics, Thinkers, Skeptics, Followers, and Controllers. Once the category the decision maker falls into is determined, then the presentation can be tailored to their precise mindset.
The must-read summary of Robert Miller and Gary Williams' book: "The 5 Paths to Persuasion: The Art of Selling Your Message".
Groundbreaking business research reveals it's not what is said but "how" it is said that is the key to getting important decision makers to say "yes.
The 5 Paths to Persuasion: The Art of Selling Your Message
Summary: The 5 Paths to Persuasion: Review and Analysis of Miller and Williams' Book
Miller, Williams, and Hayashi, The 5 Paths to Persuasion: The Art of Selling Your Message (New York: Hachette Book Group, 2004). Miller, Williams, and Hayashi, 5 Paths to Persuasion, 313 (Kindle iPhone edition). 5.
For their 2004 book, The 5 Paths to Persuasion, which explores how leaders make decisions, executive consultants Gary Williams and Robert Miller interviewed nearly 1,700 executives across a wide range of industries.
88 bestow , like friendship : Richard M. Perloff , The Dynamics of Persuasion ( Mahwah , NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates , 2003 ) , p . 159 ; Daniel J. O'Keefe , Persuasion Theory and Research , Second Edition ( Thousand Oaks ...
Pulling together his last few dollars, he invested in a five-day sales training seminar that turned his life around. ... He is often the keynote speaker for annual conventions and is a frequent guest on television and radio talk shows.
Instead, you can craft an approach tailored to how the person you want to persuade makes his decisions. ... 5 Paths to Persuasion, which explores how leaders make decisions, executive consultants Gary Williams and Robert Miller ...
'Can we get the m500 line out in two weeks?' Chief Executive Carl Yankowski asked his lieutenants, referring to Palm's new model. Their reply was unanimous: Yes, they could. Palm unveiled the m500 line on March 19, offering devices with ...