Identifies people, places, animals, objects, and ideas from mythology literature, and the Bible
Dictionary of Classical, Biblical, & Literary Allusions
Alphabetically arranged entries explain approximately two thousand words and expressions from the Bible and from the mythology of the Greek, Roman, and Norse cultures among others.
noble savage 384 It is a Sanskrit word meaning " extinction , " as in the extinguishing of a light . Among Buddhists , it is a state to be wished for , a union with the Buddha following the destruction of one's Karma .
Allusions: Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical : a Thematic Dictionary
"This book is about allusions to the Bible in Shakespeare's plays.
The Dictionary of Classical Myth and Religion offers a fully rounded and highly authoritative point of access to all aspects of ancient religious life and thought.Dr Simon Price and Dr Emily Kearns, area advisers for the third edition of ...
takes “ Paradise ” as a figurative expression signifying “ nothing other than human nature made in the image of God , ” so that the “ Fountain of Life ” or Divine Wisdom in Paradise issues forth ...
The Handbook to Literary Research is a practical guide for students embarking on postgraduate work in Literary Studies.
Designed for those beginning an MA in Literature, this text provides an introduction to research techniques, methodologies and information sources relevant to the study of literature at postgraduate level.
Opportunities never nibble twice at the same hook. Var. ... Opportunity doesn't knock the door down. Rec. dist. ... (b) Opportunity only knocks once, and there is no latch on the outside—it must be opened from within. Rec. dist.