One hundred essays--each spurred by a famous phrase or quotation, such as "Remember the Alamo" or "Give me liberty or give me death"--are arranged chronologically to trace the events that shaped the history of America. Original.
The Nation in a Nutshell: A Rapid Outline of American History
Joseph ben Asher of Chartres, an eyewitness, whose father and relatives may have perished there, wrote several elegies on those killed in the massacre. They were gathered together to the fortress, and Asher was with us, ...
The Nation in a Nutshell
A sweeping history of America covers wars, cultural mielstones, key political movements, social developments, and the economy, from the arrival of Columbus to the present. Original.
One Hundred American Women who Shaped American History
The accompanying line drawings, specially prepared for this volume, highlight the noteworthy forensic evidence in each case.
Her mother and father were Ruth and Elliot Handler, the founders of Mattel Corporation. The Handlers had arrived in Los Angeles in 1938—optimistic despite the Depression—and started a furniture business using new kinds of plastics, ...
Here is the history of our country, told in one hundred chapters, each exactly a hundred words long.
Everyone needs a refresher now and then. This book is a concise, easy to read account of the significant people and events which have shaped our great nation.
tions , culled from presentation skills manuals , research articles , and my own experience . Tip # 1 : Ask yourself : do you really need to prepare an online or software presentation ? The first step to effectively using presentation ...