Russell Baker's Pulitzer Prize-winning autobiography about growing up in America during the Great Depression.
"Magical....He has taken such raw, potentially wrenching material and made of it a story so warm, so likable, and so disarmingly funny...a work of original biographical art."--The New York Times
In this heartfelt memoir, groundbreaking Pulitzer-winning New York Times columnist Russell Baker traces his youth from the backwoods mountains of Virginia to a New Jersey commuter town to the Depression-shadowed landscape of Baltimore.
His is a story of adversity and courage, the poignancy of love and the awkwardness of sex, of family bonds and family tensions. We meet the people who influenced Baker's early life: his strong and loving mother, his bold little sister Doris, the awesome matriarch Ida Rebecca and her twelve sons. Here, too, are schoolyard bullies, great teachers, and the everyday heroes and heroines of the Depression who faced disaster with good cheer as they tried to muddle through.
A modern day classic filled with perfect turns of phrase and traces of quiet wisdom, Growing Up is a coming of age story that is "the stuff of American legend" (The Washington Post Book World).
Discusses the difficulties in learning to accept adulthood in our youth-oriented culture and offers advice for learning to take responsibility and recognize the value of commitment and maturity
Growing Up Human looks at how we have diverged from our ancestral roots to stay 'forever young' – or at least what seems like forever – and how the evolution of childhood is a critical part of the human story.
Mary Alice and Andy have drawn on their extensive experience in the classroom to assemble this collection: book/CD/DVD in one package, which includes fifty-four of their favorite movement activities for children in preschool, kindergarten ...
A post-World War II memoir of a childhood in working-class Pittsburgh "Alongside August Wilson and John Edgar Wideman, Richard Peterson is among the most evocative chroniclers of Pittsburgh, their colorful...
Talk to your kids about what you are reading and show them by your example that books are helpful and engaging. screen time and attention disorders Sevenyearold Keith returned from school on most days with red crayon colored in on his ...
Growing Up takes the guesswork out of growing closer to the Lord and equipping others to do the same. -
Miller, Joanne. 1988. “Jobs and Work.” Pp. 327–359 in Neil J. Smelser, ed., Handbook of Sociology. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage. Miller, Joanne, Carmi Schooler, Melvin L. Kohn, and Karen A. Miller. ... Chaimun Lee, and Michael D. Finch.
This book offers practical insights and seasoned advice for every developmental milestone, from real parents as well as professional family educators.
Look at me. I have grown a lot. Now I can do almost everything by myself. But one thing still I can’t do alone. Can you guess what it is?
“[An] enchanting journey through Ann Hood’s early fascination with reading.… Book lovers will find Morningstar irresistible.”—Lynn Sharon Schwartz, author of Ruined by Reading Growing up in a mill town in Rhode Island, in a ...